Sunday, 9 November 2014

Female Bishop TouchesPastor’s Private Part On Pulpit

It was a shocking moment as Female Bishop Touches
Pastor’s Private Part On Pulpit In Ghana. According to
News from ReportGhanaNews, the Pastor was preaching to
his congregation on a Sunday morning then he ask people
with health problems to stand up and come close to touch
a specific place on his body for healing.
While everyone was touching the Pastor’s head, shoes and
shoulder; this woman, a bishop of same congregation
decided to hold the pastor’s private area for healing.
The Pastor asked why she hold his privates and the
woman said, “her husband private part is not working anymore
so she believes when she hold the Pastor’s private part, her
husband’s would be healed.” Then the pastor shouted,
hallelujah somebody. Things people do because of healing, why cant you just use the word must they touch you Mr pastor? Guess you got what you wanted. Please readers beware of such randy pastors,healing comes from faith through God not by some suspicious activities like this.
Culled GhanaNews

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