Wednesday, 1 April 2015

BCS celebrates her annual mega event tagged "Powerful Remnant" Revels the mystery behind the event.

Olumba Olumba Obu revels the impart the celebration of the event tagged Powerful Remnant will have on the entire world. 
Below are the excerpts of his address to the world.
I will like to lay more emphasis on some of the remakable and spiritual overwheming events that our gracious Holy Father has hosted for us in Brotherhood of the cross and star.
Accordingly, God who is the master planner, the grand designer of all things has today chosen to unravel the mystery behind the Powerful Remnant as the BCS Universal Event for 2015 to all creation, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hear Me O! Earth and hear me all the inhabitants of the earth;
I am lifting my voice up unto the entire Universe because the days of doom and the days of all calamities are already
The days when every man shall be tested to the very limit and at hand.
I declare that the days where people shall fall away from the faith and give into seducing spirit are already with us.
The days where the Lord God shall unleash His anger upon the earth; in those days of which I am referring to shall men seek death and will not find it; and shall desire to die, and dearth shall flee from them, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ,Amen.
The announcement of the Powerful Remnant was by no means a joke; whilst you were all jubilating and elated here
on earth that the Universal event for the year 2015 has been unveiled,this same announcement immediately triggered
silence in heaven for about the space of half an hour and to seven angels before the deific throne of our God were handed 7 trumpets.
My dear children inform the world that the sound of each trumpet implies calamities; it implies woes and catastrophe upon mankind. While one Angel is flying through the midst of heaven crying with a loud voice saying woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth; Another mighty Angel with one foot on the sea and the other foot on the earth is swearing
and begging that there should be time no more.
For these are the days spoken of in Matthew 24 saying that then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor shall ever be.
Nonetheless, even as these seven trumpets shall be sounding and bringing upon the earth desolation and wrath,
every trumpets heralds the divine intervention of God in the affairs of humanity and the gradual but spiritually designed evolution of the everlasting kingdom of righteousness, in the
name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen
The question now is who shall be found standing at the on the side of the Lord after these wrath and indignation of God
Most High? Who are the people who will still steadfast and truthfully uphold the testimony of Christ?
......The answer is obvious....these shall be the Powerful Remnants.
The celebration of this event is a very rare and special gift from God; an event that is spiritually thought provoking for those who are spiritually conscious... will reveal all those who successfully enter into the everlasting Covenant of Salt and will clearly distinguish between those who will share in the glory of the Lamb and those who will suffer the vengeance of eternal fire.
To become part of the Powerful Remnant is a race that needs patience, humility, love, faithfulness in God and
above all things the lavish gift of the Holy Spirit.
Through ages God has always kept a remnant for Himself; those who have not defiled their robes with the wickedness
and evil prevalent in the world.
In the days of Noah the gospel was increasingly ignored.
Noah and his family suffered 100 years of scorn and ridicule while constructing the ark, that age came to an end with
remnant of just 8 persons. Elijah in his days thought he was the only faithful one left in Israel, yet God said to him, “I
have reserved to Myself seven thousand men who have not
bowed their knees to the image of Baal”.
In the city of Sodom and Gomorrah only Lot and his two unmarried daughters were saved; Lots wife as you already
know was encrusted to salt while Lot's other children perished Sodom and Gomorrah.
A remnant of only two righteous men - Caleb and Joshua survived the wilderness wandering of the Jews of the
It does no matter how many souls will truthfully uphold the testimony of righteousness. At the sound of the 7th and last trumpet, it does not also matter how many people God will find on earth still having faith in His operations.
The remnant has always been a minority......Narrow and small obviously indicates remnant rather than crowd.
The consummation of the final revelation of this Kingdom of Jehovah God and his Christ shall be done by the remnant.
This event will be held from Monday 30th through Sunday 5th April 2015.
The theme for this event shall be;
.. .Truthfully upholding the testimony of Christ.
The them song for this spiritual event shall be;Listen to the testimony of Christ, listen to the testimony of Christ, Christ testimony overwhelming testimony, listen to the testimony of Christ.
The slogan will be;
Making your calling and election sure.
It will be my joy that all my children are part of the Powerful Remnant come the sound of the last trumpet.
It is the God's promise that He will care for the remnant;
God will restore their fortunes and everything which they may have lost will be restored unto them,
The prophetic books of the bible also saw what the Lord will do for the remnant; This is what the Lord Almighty says....I
will save my people from the country of the East and the West, even to the North and South and I will bring them
back to poses that which had been ordained for them, they will be my people and I will be faithful and righteous to
them as their God.
Note as a matter of utmost important that this event will mark the commencement of God's physical judgment upon
the face of the earth: men, fowls of the air, beast of the field and fishes in the water including plants even angels shall be
Feast of Passover:
This spiritually commanding event shall be held on Saturday April 4th April 2015(Grand finale)
When God was fully ready to deliver the Israelites from bondage in the land of Egypt He ordered that they should
observed the Passover;every family was required to have their lamb which will be sacrificed and the blood of the
lamb sprinkled on their door post.
This was the breaking point for Pharaoh because at the stroke of midnight the Lord unleashed the last of the ten
plagues on the Egyptians... .
The feast of Passover that will be celebrated during this event is highly significant, as it is about one go on is so
profound, so holy and so important that without Him there is no hope for mankind. I am speaking of Our Lord Jesus
Christ who has today returned as the personified King, Lord and Master; He is the true Passover Lamb
During the feast of Passover I have the authority of the Council Chamber of Eternity to physically sound all of the
seven trumpets. The sound of each trumpet shall be symbolic and it shall also be recorded in heaven and all those under the sound of it shall receive divine security and preservation in the coming days of great woes.
This feast shall be observed with unleavened bread and sanctified water amongst others sacred ordinances which
shall be served to all God's creation by the Father. As the blood of lamb delivered the Israelites from dearth so shall the love of Olumba deliver you from destruction, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Offering of Temple Sacrifice:
This event shall be in the evening of Friday 3rd April 2015. I had last year revealed that once the Offering of Temple
Sacrifice was established, it will become a constant feature in our yearly Universal event. Inform all My children that it
is the divine expectation of the Holy Father for all to attend this event with personal offering unto God.
I emphasized that the observance of this very spiritual exercise is quite symbolic and it will always serve as a reminder to the generality of mankind on their covenant responsibly to God.
Be reminded that as you bring your gift upon the altar of purification, you should be able to say, “Father, my very best is what I bring to you with all my heart”.
Explosive Praise Exhibition 2015 (Cherubs meets the
This explosive praise exhibition shall hold on Friday 3rd April 2015 before the commencement of the Offering of the
Temple Sacrifice.
This will be spectacular musical showdown featuring the clash of the cherubs and the seraphs in a harmonious blend of heavenly tunes.

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