Tuesday 12 April 2016


Information reaching MNB through Garba Shehu SSA to the President Media & Publicity says that President Muhammadu Buhari has directed that technical committees be immediately established to finalize discussions on new joint Nigeria/China rail, power, manufacturing, agricultural and solid mineral projects.
The President gave the directive Tuesday in Beijing after talks between his delegation and high-ranking Chinese government officials led by President Xi Jinping.
The technical committees are to conclude their assignments before the end of next month.
President Buhari had at the talks welcomed China's readiness to assist Nigeria in her bid to rapidly industrialize and join the world's major economies.
President Jinping agreed that Nigeria's chosen path of development through economic diversification was the best way to go.
To help Nigeria to achieve this, China promised to fully support the country through infrastructural development and  capacity building.
China also expressed an interest in setting up major projects in Nigeria such as refineries, power plants, mining companies, textile manufacturing and food processing industries as soon as the enabling environment is provided by the Federal Government.
In response to President Muuhammadu Buhari's desire to make Nigeria self-sufficient in food production, President Jinping offered 15 million U.S. dollars agricultural assistance to Nigeria for the establishment of 50 Agricultural Demonstration Farms across the country.
China and Nigeria also agreed to strengthen military and civil service exchanges as part of a larger capacity-building engagement.
In line with this, China offered to raise its scholarship awards to Nigerian students from about 100 to 700 annually. In addition, 1,000 other Nigerians  are to be given vocational and technical training by China annually.
President Jinping applauded the war against corruption being waged by President Buhari.
The Chinese leader assured President Buhari that Nigeria will always have a special place in the affairs of the Peoples Republic of China.
After the talks, President Buhari and President Jinping witnessed the signing of several agreements and memorandums of understanding by Nigeria and China.
The agreements include a "Framework Agreement Between the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the National Development and Reform Commission of the Peoples Republic of China."
Others were a "Memorandum of Understanding on Aviation Cooperation between the Ministry of Transportation (Aviation) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China" and a "Memorandum of Understanding Between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Government of the Peoples Republic of China on Scientific and Technological Cooperation".
A  "Mandate Letter Between the  Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Central Bank of Nigeria on Renminbi (RMB) Transactions was also signed.

NYSC explains late payment of Corps members allowance

A message credited to the DR NYSC through NYSC facebook accounts reads as follows

My dear Corps members, l sincerely regret the late payment of your March allowance.

For avoidance of doubt, your allowances do not come to the NYSC as the scheme has no account.

Once it is approved by the Federal Ministry of Finance, it goes to the Central Bank account from where it is disbursed directly to Corps members account.

It is the beauty of the Treasury Single Account and that explains why you get the whole allowance in full without any charges.

As at now, we are liaising vigorously with the Ministry so that fund is released to the CBN GIFMIS account and once it is done, it takes us just minutes through the online platform to remit straight to all the 244,532 Corps members in service.

We are equally mounting pressure on the Ministry to ensure that the April allowance for 2015 Batch A and the outstanding one month allowance for Stream 2, Batch A 2015 is also paid as quickly as possible.

It has become necessary to explain this so as to clear the erroneous believe that the Scheme is holding Corps members allowance.

Please just exercise patience as this will be resolved in a couple of days.

God bless you my children!

Brig Gen Olawumi

Massive fire at Puttingal temple in India's Kerala state kills over 100 people, leaves hundreds injured

MUMBAI, India —
A series of explosions early Sunday
caused by a fireworks display during a religious festival at a temple left 106 people dead and hundreds more injured in the southern Indian state of Kerala, the local authorities said.
P. T. Chacko, a spokesman for Chief Minister Oommen Chandy of Kerala, said that the fireworks display had been specifically forbidden by officials in the coastal district of Kollam but that the Puttingal temple had gone ahead anyway.
One of the devices landed in the building where the fireworks were being stored, setting off explosions that leveled several buildings, killing and injuring people, K.Hari Kumar, a fire officer at the scene, said in a telephone interview.
“Fragments of the building with huge pieces of burnt crackers were flying all over,” said Rajendran, 36, a mason who goes by one name.
He had traveled with friends from his village 20 miles away to attend the festivities, which marked the start of the new year on the Hindu calendar.
“We all started scrambling for a safe place,” Mr. Rajendran said by telephone from his bed in an intensive care unit at the nearby Holy Cross Super Specialty Hospital, where he was taken with broken bones in his face and in one arm. His friends were so badly burned, he said, that he did not know if they would survive.

Over the six weeks leading up to the Kollam fire disaster, officials at every level recommended denial of permission to the Puttingal temple for the fireworks show, and a day
before it, banned the display.

The powerful temple administration simply ignored the order, helped along by local politicians with an eye on elections.

Top sources in the Kerala Secretariat and the Kollam District Collectorate said that both Additional District
Magistrate A Shanavas and District Collector A Shainamol, who were instrumental in denying permission
for the fireworks, were also bullied and threatened by local politicians and Hindu groups, with communal
motives attributed to their actions.

The temple is a replica of the Adikesava Perumal temple located in Kanyakumari District.

It is the richest Hindu temple in the world. In terms of assets gold and precious stones, it is by far the wealthiest institution and place of worship of any kind, in the recorded
history of the world.

Clue from NY times.

Monday 11 April 2016

Akwa ibom set to implement it's development blue print

Akwa Ibom State Government has set in motion a machinery for the achievement of its development blue print. This was the focus of deliberation at a special Executive Council retreat, presided over by the State Governor Mr Udom Emmanuel. Briefing Government House Correspondents at the end of the Special Executive Council meeting, the Commissioner for Information and Communications Mr Aniekan Umana said that the council brainstormed on the creative utilization of the abundant economic potentials in the state for employment generation and wealth creation through aggressive Agricultural development and industrialisation for sustainable development.
The Information boss said consultants from the National Transformation Institute and the MIRAI Group in Isreal delivered lectures on how to harness the creativity of Akwa ibom people towards the development of the state in furtherance of the vision of Governor Udom Emmanuel in developing a viable Agricultural base as well as industrial and mental re-engineering of the people towards making the state a model in the development matrix of the Nation. According to the Information Commissioner, critical memos as it relates to various Ministries, Agencies and Departments were deliberated on and the council also discussed on areas of harmonisation as well as service delivery by the Workforce and chart a course for the actualisation of the state's blueprint. Also speaking the Commissioner for Economic Planning Dr. Emmanuel Owodiukut said that the strategic session was aimed at thinking out of the box for the state to take the right strategy in the implementation of the budget in view of the dwindling allocation of funds adding that the time has come to apply requisite know how to achieve the set target Mr Owodiukut identified a mental re orientation as essential factor that would enable the people partner the administration as stakeholders with confidence in their abilities.
On his part the Commissioner for Rural Develpment and Utilize, Barrister Ekong Sampson said a range of options were also considered to strengthen the sensibilies of the citizens on how to protect available infrastructures in their domain for enhancement of expansion to other areas and listed the key infrastructure to include roads, electricity and water. The State Executive Council members congratulated Governor Emmanuel on the ingenuity he has brought into governance by reshaping the way things were done to suit international best practice and for drving a new focus for economic transformation of the state.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Lagos schools resume on Monday, April 11

The Lagos State Government, through the Ministry of Education, has confirmed Monday, April 11, 2016 as the resumption date for the Third Term academic session in public schools in the State.

In a statement released today by the Ministry, Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Dr. Idiat Oluranti Adebule, emphasised that it became necessary to clarify the resumption date based on recent rumour and insinuations that the resumption date has been postponed.

Mrs. Adebule, who supervises the activities of the Ministry, said the state government   recognizes the pressure associated with the current fuel scarcity and its attendant consequences, but maintained that higher premium must be placed on the development of school children who are the leaders of tomorrow.

While appealing to parents and guardians to look beyond the present situation and encourage their wards to face their studies with renewed vigour, she noted that the call for a shift in the resumption date will only distort the academic calendar for the year.

The Deputy Governor therefore urged proprietors of Private Schools, Head Teachers/ Principals of public schools to do everything humanly possible to see that the school calendar runs uninterrupted in the State

Suspected meteor falls from the sky in Taraba state


About 10:45 am on March 12, farmers and hunters in Tse-Agena area of Mbatyula in Takum local government area of Taraba State heard a loud sound from the sky and then an object, suspected to be meteorite stone, landed. The landing of the white object created panic. Women and children were asked to vacate the farms immediately while men went to pick the object. Mr. Shausu Agena, a farmer and an eye witness, said the object landed on a big tree in an empty farm land. Agena, while speaking to Sunday Vanguard inside his hut in the village, said heavy sound accompanied the falling of the object from the sky. The clan head of Mbatyula, Zaki Bem Tom, also disclosed that the object landed with a sound that was heard in several communities. “It was in the morning. People were in their various farms when the object landed within our community. It was very shocking because some of us that witnessed it descending from the sky thought it was the end of the world,” Ben Tom said. “It took our brave men to go closer to the object so that we will know what it was. Initially when the object landed, it was pure white in color. Human faces were reflecting on the object like mirror. Then it turned pure black. “We have been living in fear because we don’t know what will follow”. The village head said the community reported the incident to the state government immediately and the Director of Minerals Resources was sent to Mbatyla. “Before the official came, we had already removed the stone for safe-keeping and the person who kept the stone was not around when the Director visited. Therefore, the Director could not see the stone. “We are calling on government to commission a study of our area following the incident because we may be affected one day by nature”. When contacted, Taraba State Commissioner for the Environment, Mrs. Rebecca Manasseh, pleaded with the community to release the stone to the state government so that it could study it. Rebecca, who spoke to Sunday Vanguard on phone, confirmed that the state sent its Director of Mineral Resources to the area after the incident was report to ascertain the nature of the ‘mystery stone’. She promised that her ministry was ready to investigate the issue as soon as the stone was released to the state government.


President Muhammadu Buhari will leave Abuja tomorrow for a working visit to China aimed at securing greater support from Beijing for the development of Nigeria's infrastructure, especially in the power, roads, railways, aviation, water supply and housing sectors.
President Buhari's talks with President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples’ Congress, Zhang Dejiang will also focus on strengthening bilateral cooperation in line with the Federal Government's agenda for the rapid diversification of the Nigerian economy, with emphasis on agriculture and solid minerals development.
It is expected that in the course of the visit, several new  agreements and memorandums of understanding   to boost trade and economic relations between Nigeria and China will be concluded and signed.
The agreements include a Framework Agreement between the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment and the National Development and Reform Commission of the Peoples' Republic of China to Boost Industrial Activities and Infrastructural Development in Nigeria.
Others are a Framework Agreement between the Federal Ministry of Communications and the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, and a Memorandum of Understanding between Nigeria and China on Scientific and Technological Cooperation.
In keeping with his administration's prioritization of economic diversification and industrialisation to boost employment, President Buhari and his delegation will tour the Shanghai Free Trade Zone and the Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone to gain more useful insights and understanding of the policies that underpinned China's astronomical economic growth in recent years.
The President, whose entourage will include some state governors as well as the Ministers of Agriculture, Water Resources, Transport, Defence, Power, Works & Housing, Industry, Trade & Investment, Federal Capital Territory, Science & Technology and Foreign Affairs, will also open a China-Nigeria Business/Investment Forum in Beijing and meet with members of the Nigerian Community in China before returning to Abuja at the weekend. 

Exclusive breast feeding the best for your child -Dr Asibong

Children who are breast fed exclusively for six months tend to outpace their mates who are not, experts and nursing mothers testified on Thursday at a breastfeeding forum. 
Experts quoting the WHO said six months of exclusive breastfeeding would fortify an infant’s immunity, sharpen their cognition, and improve mother-child affection.
 Nursing mothers who practice exclusive breastfeeding, and those who claimed to have suckled none but breastmilk for the first six months pointed to their children’s bright academic records and to their own unique wellness. “Children whom we breastfeed for six months are very different, like my first daughter ,” said Sylvia Bassey a nursing mother with a charming toddler, “She is very smart and some say she acts like a 5 year old, whereas she is only 3.” Yet for all it’s benefits the practice is only slowly gaining acceptance in Cross River State.
 Statistics quoted by Inyang Asibong, the Health Commissioner, show Cross River at 42 per cent compliace in 2015, (up from 36.1 per cent the previous year). Dr Asibong said the rates where unacceptable, but assured that the health ministry and development partners were working to achieve “80 per cent or thereabout” in 2016. 
 In a passionate speech to open the meeting, which had mothers, mothers-in-law, and husbands attend from the Akampka-Bakassi axis, Asibong made a plea in both English and vernacular for mothers to adopt exclusive breastfeeding and for husbands and relatives to support to them. “Breastfeeding is a natural and excellent way to ensure that babies receive adequate nutrition necessary for normal growth and development of anychild with a good start in life,” she said. Although she acknowleged the campaign faces misconceptions which may hinder mass adoption: that it consumes time, leads to saggy breasts, causes mothers to eat too much making them overweight, makes children unable to adapt to regular food at the end of six months; she dismissed such concerns stating “these are just myths.” But several mothers spoke about pressure from overbearing mothers-in-law who insist that their grand children ought to consume ‘normal food’ along side breastmilk in the first six months. Others said their husbands simply objected to the practice.
 Asibong broke into a wide grin when her own husband, a consultant family physician, walked in during her presentation, and thanked him and all other husbands who attended, for the show of support. Exclusively breastfeeding for two years, another old myth, was also cast aside. Citing the WHO, Betta Edu, who heads the Primary Health Care Agency, said breast milk could only meet the child’s nutritional needs for the first six months, adding that regular food should be introduced thereafter. Boladale Akinkolapo, a senior physician with the Society for Family Health (SFH) which organised the programme alongside the ministry of health, said babies should be allowed to suckle whenever they wanted to. However, schooling or career mothers can express breast milk into a clean sterilised cup, which would be fed to the child by a relative or a creche worker using a clean spoon if the mother is indisposed, she added. She said that it was now considered unhealthy to use feeding bottles or pacifiers because they can harbour germs. 
 SFH says it will continue the campaign in health centres and rural communities using trained Interpersonal Communicators (IPCs) and mass media.

VIO not authorized to check drivers licence and particulars - FRSC BOSS

The Corps Marshal of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Mr. Boboye Oyeyemi, on Monday, said that the corps would commence a crackdown on drivers who possess fake drivers license.

He also explained that the Vehicle Inspection Officers (VIOs) were not permitted by law to inspect vehicle and drivers licences. Paying a courtesy visit to the Inspector-General of Police, Solomon Arase, Oyeyemi explained that people who work with some elements to procure fake drivers licence would not have a hiding place.
He also appealed to the Inspector General for improved collaboration with the corps, especially in the areas of security, sharing intelligence and prosecution of offenders.

He declared war on some youths who constitute themselves into nuisance on Abuja streets driving vehicles recklessly in the name of “stunting”, adding that they constitute danger not only to themselves, but also on the generality of road users. Oyeyemi equally lamented the abuse of siren and construction of speed breakers indiscriminately by some persons or communities.
According to him, “The statutory responsibility of the VIO does not include to stop people and ask for drivers licence. There is no statutory powers given them to do so. “All that we do are contained in the transfer of powers by the IG. If the police stops you to ask for your particulars, they are doing what they are statutorily empowered to do. What we need is collaboration to be able to do our jobs very well. Speaking on the progress the corps has made, the FRSC boss said that road crashes reduced by 40 per cent last year.

Friday 8 April 2016

Vanguard Award, A Challenge to do More - Amosun

"For me, the reward for hard work is more work."
With these words, Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, literally summed up his reaction to the Vanguard Personality of the Year Awards 2015, which he won in the Governor of the Year category on Friday, April 8, 2016.

While thanking the management and Editorial Board of Vanguard Nigeria Limited, publishers of Vanguard Newspapers, for the honour,  Governor Amosun said the award was a challenge to do more.

"For me, this award is a challenge to do more. In Ogun State we have our job well cut out for us. There is a standard of excellence for which we are known and our task is to ensure that we do not drop the ball," Governor Amosun said at the award presentation event held at the Eko Hotels, Lagos.

The Ogun State Governor also said the award was more for the good people of Ogun State.

"This award is for the good people of Ogun State who we have a privilege to be serving," Governor Amosun said.

Equally honoured at the event were the Governors of Edo State, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, Gombe State, Ibrahim Dankwambo and Borno State, Kashim Shettima.

The event also witnessed the presentation of awards to President Muhammadu Buhari, who was represented by Alhaji Lai Mohammed, Minister of Information and Culture, former President Goodluck Jonathan, who was equally represented, former Vice President, Alex Ekwueme and former Governor of Lagos State, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who was represented by Dele Alake.

Equally recognized at the event were Mr. Jim Ovia, founder, Zenith Bank Plc, Chief Mrs. Onikepo Akande, Senator David Dafinone and Otunba Subomi Balogun, founder, FCMB who was represented by Ladi Balogun, his son. 

A virtuous woman and her responsibilities

Grace Akpan

God already knows that your husband is not a perfect man. That is why God made in you "a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18. Therefore a virtuous woman does not waste time criticizing her man's flaws, faults & weakness.
A virtuous wife knows that her first divine responsibility is being "a suitable helper" for her man. The reason you don't find it hard to see your husband's faults is because God designed you to help your husband become a better man. If your husband was perfect, he wouldn't need "a suitable helper." Every man has the potential for greatness; but it takes a virtuous wife to nurture & develop him into greatness.
Therefore stop complaining & get to work,Pray, encourage & build your man up.
Behind every successful man is a virtuous wife who understands that it is her responsibility to help her husband become the man God desires him to be

TEARS, ENCOMIUMS AS Corps Member OKONTA who died during Rivers rerun IS buried

Corps member Okonta Dumebi Samuel, who was murdered by unknown gunmen during the recent re-run elections in Rivers State, has been laid to rest in his hometown of Illah in Delta State.

His remains were committed to mother earth at his family compound at about 3:00 pm  today after a funeral service in his honour at the Christ Holy Family Catholic Church, Illah.

Okonta (RV/15B/5539) was hit by his assailants while returning to his base after submitting the poll results at the INEC collation centre in Ahoada West Local Government Area.

In his funeral sermon, the Vicar of Issele-Uku Regular Reverend Father Peter Mbuogwu, who led other officiating priests, frowned at the way politicians encouraged thuggery. He urged them to fear God and to always remember that He alone gives power - and to whom He wishes.

Mbuogwu also advised youth in the country to resist being used by selfish persons to commit atrocities and, in stead, use their God-given talents for the good of the society.

He prayed God to grant late Okonta Samuel eternal rest. He said Nigerians should immortalize him and his likes by resolving to respect the sanctity of human life and to embrace peaceful and credible approaches to electoral activities.

It was a moment  of tears and eulogy as people from all walks of life, including a high-powered delegation of the National Youth Service Corps, joined the bereaved family to pay their last respect to Okonta Samuel.

The NYSC Director-General Brigadier General Johnson Olawumi paid tribute to the deceased Corps member noting that he died while contributing towards ensuring a better Nigeria.

"He believed in Nigeria, he served Nigeria and he died for Nigeria," he said.

Speaking through the Director of Corps Welfare and Inspectorate Mrs. Rhoda Kaka Kwaki, who led the Scheme's delegation, Olawumi reaffirms the Scheme's assurance that it would stand by the bereaved family.

He also commiserated with all serving corps members over the loss of their colleague, and urged them not to allow the incidence to deter them from their belief in and service to Nigeria.

In a message, the INEC Chairman Professor Mahmood Yakubu described Okonta as a martyr and one of the nation's heroes of democracy.

Yakubu, who was represented by the Resident Electoral Commissioner for Delta State Baritor Kpagih, assured that the Commission would work in consultation with the bereaved family to immortalize the deceased.

Nigeria's judiciary isn't defective - Justice Archibong

Eyo Charles

A judge in the Akwa Ibom State high court, Justice Archibong E. Archibong has allayed the fears harboured by many that the judiciary in Nigeria is corrupt or defective.

Justice Archibong said as an arm of government, the judiciary has in recent times displayed dexterity, competence and restored the hope in many that it is truly the last hope of the common man.

He said the online media recently misquoted him that the judiciary was weak and compromised.

"To the best of my knowledge I have not spoken to any journalists that Nigeria.s judiciary was ineffective. But the true position is that we have been fearless in the discharge of our role, which has strengthened our.

"The people, political parties and groups now have confidence in the judiciary. I think in Africa, our judicial system can be well-spoken of because of the quality and calibre of legal minds that have over the years ensured independence and truth", he said.

However, Archibong who is International president of Brotherhood Lawyers Fellowship, a non-profit making organisation of over 500 members out to nurture young lawyers and provide free legal services, charged lawyers and judges to maintain their integrity and fear God.


Ayade's aides to assess mystery river in Olumba Olumba's village

From Eyo Charles, Calabar

Special Adviser to Gov Ben Ayade of Cross River State in tourism, Eric Anderson has disclosed that a team from the tourism bureau will soon undertake a fact-finding tour of the amplified birthplace of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu in Biakpan community, Biase local government area of the state, to assess the tourism potentials.

He said they will also use the opportunity to look at the much-talked about slow-running Biakpan stream which mysteriously surrounds Obu's small community, and reputed to be potent with curative powers.

For this reason, hundreds of thousand of believers, pilgrims, miracle-seekers, foreign tourists and researchers have been  flocking into the village continually to take a dip into the stream and also scoop the sands of Biakpan, according to reports.

It is for this reason that the state government wanting to shore up not only revenue to boost its lean finances but to also widen its annual Calabar Christmas Carnival has decided to collaborate with Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS).

According to Eric Anderson, special adviser to Gov Ayade on tourism, BCS pulls over a million adherents and thousands of other believers and guests both to its international headquarters which situate at No 34 Ambo Street, Calabar and Biakpan village every six months.

"To us as a government this holds special attraction. And as a tourism department or agency, it has occurred to us that we need to do something to mutually benefit by expanding tourism potentials of our state. We have approached the authorities if the BCS for us to see how we can collaborate", Anderson said.

Explaining purpose of the meeting he had with the coordinating bishop of BCS for Africa, 80 year old Archbishop James Crawford Ellerbe, a Black American, at the BCS Royal Museum, Anderson said that the state government has burning desire to set the ball rolling in order to take tourism business to a much higher level.

Andersen maintained that with large number of White and Black Americans, Europeans and other Africans steadily spending lengthy time at BCS Headquarters, they cannot afford to dilly-dallying.

"I can say that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has tremendously impacted tourism in the state in view of  millions of Black and White adherents that flock into Calabar and Biakpan, birthplace of the Founder of the spiritual organization frequently from around the world for religious observances. There is dire need for the state government to collaborate with the organisation and properly package religious tourism for mutual benefits as part of bolstering tourism drive".

Speaking when he hosted Andersen and his team about how Black Americans as well as teeming foreign adherents of the BCS fold can boost tourism in Cross River, the octogenarian Black American, Archbishop Ellerbe, who is a naturalised Nigerian  called on the  State government to provide land for the building of what he called Black American Diasporan Village.

Ellerbe said that a large number of Black Americans were now ready to return to Africa, Calabar, to be specific and equally naturalise.

It would be recalled that in 1993, Ellerbe led a 19-man delegation of Black American engineers, agriculture experts, academicians, entertainers, scientists, etc to spend one month in Nigeria where they met with the Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe, Leader O. O. Obu,religious, labour, business and government leaders and also explored beneficial opportunities.

According to Ellerbe,  Black Americans, eager to return to Nigeria, would need land to build their homes, establish business ventures, transfer technologies and impact local economy with their expertise.

He told the representatives of the  State government  that there is imminent influx of foreign immigrants, particularly African-Americans, Europeans, Asians,  into Calabar, in view of the divine powers of the founder of BCS, which he claims, have impacted them much.

"There are thousands of other Blacks in USA, Europe and elsewhere who are also eager to return to Africa, their ancestral homeland. I know very many that have traced their origin to Calabar and would want to come home. We need your government and indeed federal government of Nigeria to oblige us with lands more particularly.

"We need encouragement from Nigeria.  Many of us are millionaires, international stars, influential experts in diverse fields. We want to come home and impacts our own", he said.

As it looks, Gov Ayade who has much love for and has actually signed many MoU with foreigners to invest in the state, may favourably grant the request if the octogenarian after deeper discussion, said Andersen.

Buttressing Archibishop Ellerbe, Bishop  Parkson Edjeketah who is director of the Museum and Bishop Opara, a UK based adherent, said a delegation of the BCS will soon meet with Gov Ayade.


Thursday 7 April 2016

Standardize and legalize illegal refineries in Nigeria- Ben Murry Bruce

The common sense advocate senator Ben Murry Bruce has come up with another common sense advocacy about Nigeria and illegal refineries.

"Nigeria does not have fuel for her people, yet we are destroying thousands of illegal refineries. How does that make sense? Why not help them standardize and become legal? They will not only provide fuel, but they will employ tens of thousands and in the process pay taxes. We need to think outside the box. We must come up with local solutions to our problems. How long will we keep on importing fuel while suppressing cottage refineries by labeling them illegal? "
Truly he is making common sense,how I wish Nigerian Government will take this proposal seriously.

Monday 4 April 2016

I've Fully Complied with Law on Asset Declaration- Saraki

In a statement signed by Yusuph Olaniyonu Special Adviser (Media and Publicity) to Senate President said that the  Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki has fully complied with the provisions of the law on declaration of assets by public officers.

In a reaction to the claim contained in the Panama-based offshore provider, Mossack Fonseca and shared by the International Consortium of Investigation Journalists (ICIJ) that he failed to declare assets belonging to his wife, Mrs Toyin Saraki, in secret offshore territories, Saraki said he has in his different asset declarations included properties owned individually by himself and his wife.

The property in question forms part of Dr. Saraki's wife's family asset. It is public knowledge that Mrs. Saraki comes from a family of independent means and wealth with numerous and varied assets acquired over decades in family estates and investments.

"Furthermore, the law only requires a public officer to declare both his own assets and those held by his spouse and his children under 18 years of age. The law does not require a public officer to declare assets held by the spouse's family.

"It is not expected by the law that a public officer should declare such assets held in the spouse's family estate. Indeed, the Code of Conduct form does not make provision for declaration of spouse's family assets", he stated.

Antonio Conte signs 3 year contract with chelsea

Antonio Conte has finally been confirmed as the new head coach of Chelsea, after the Blues announced he has signed a three-year deal with the club and will move to Stamford Bridge after Euro 2016.

Conte won three Serie A titles during his time in charge of Juventus and says he is looking forward to life in the Premier League.

ANTONIO CONTE "I am very excited about the prospect of working at Chelsea Football Club. I am proud to be the coach of the national team of my country and only a role as attractive as manager of Chelsea could follow that," he told the club's official website. "I am looking forward to meeting everyone at the club and the day-to-day challenge of competing in the Premier League. "Chelsea and English football are watched wherever you go, the fans are passionate and my ambition is to have more success to follow the victories I enjoyed in Italy. "I am happy we have made the announcement now so everything is clear and we can end the speculation. I will continue to focus on my job with the Italian national team and will reserve speaking about Chelsea again until after the Euros."
CHELSEA DIRECTOR MARINA GRANOVSKAIA "We are very pleased to have recruited one of the most highly regarded managers in world football and we are equally pleased to do so before the end of the current season," she said. "This aids our future planning. "I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Guus Hiddink, who has done a great job since he joined us in December."

Congratulations Chelsea, congratulations Conte !

Africans should be strategic, ambitious, rigorous and disciplined- Ethiopia's Prime Minister

African leaders open Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Integration with encouraging messages on economic transformation

Addis Ababa, 4 April 2016 - “Our future rests in our hands,” declared Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Mr. Haile Mariam Desalegn on Monday in his keynote speech at the opening of the Conference of the African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Integration, holding today 4 April 2016 at the Conference Center of the Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia .

Reflecting on harmonising and coordinating the different policies of the Sustainable Development Goals and Africa’s own Agenda 2063, Prime Minister Desalegn urged African states to be “strategic, ambitious, rigorous and disciplined” if they are to achieve sustainable and inclusive development for their people.

Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, implored African countries to improve young people’s skills in science and engineering. “With an average of over 90% of graduates in social sciences, Africa’s innovation and scientific skills lag behind.”

“There is general agreement on the skills crisis that we face on the continent: shortage of skilled personnel is amongst the concerns raised consistently by business leaders as undermining competitiveness and confidence. Africa’s contributions to innovation, science and technology and patents lag behind; and in the study by the African Capacity Building Foundation on capacity needs for Agenda 2063, the skills deficit in key areas such as engineers, scientists, including agricultural scientists run into the millions.” underlined the AUC Chairperson.  She noted that with a burgeoning youth population, Africa has no choice but to look for solutions.

Dr Dlamini Zuma also spoke on industrialization, agricultural development and economic diversification, the development of infrastructure (transport, social, energy ICT) among others. “Africa imports over 83% of the processed food it consumes, putting pressure on our foreign currency reserve. As we therefore continue to talk about the need to industrialise, what are we doing as Ministers of Economic Planning, Finance and Integration to reverse this situation, product line by product line and working together to build regional value chains?” The AUC Chairperson further called on the Member States saying, “as we deal with effects of extreme weather conditions, we must respond to the immediate humanitarian situation faced by farmers and rural communities, but at the same time not delay what should be done today to build resilience and climate smart agriculture”. She said this will help to reduce import dependency.

Mr. Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, noted that “African current growth has not generated sufficient jobs and has not been inclusive enough to significantly curb poverty. Fluctuations in price has made such growth vulnerable.”

Therefore Africa should look into “structurally transforming, focusing on the potential offered by industrialization.” Mr. Lopes suggested Africa consider expanding commodities value chains, and attracting low-value manufacturing from Asia to Africa.
Mr. Lopes remarked that “transformation will not happen spontaneously but rather as a result of deliberate and coherent policies that are entrenched into a coherent development strategy, enlightened by a transformational leadership.”

Picking up on the theme of leadership, the Vice-President of Namibia, Mr.Nickey Iyambo, told the 800-strong audience “strong leadership is a prerequisite for fostering the continent’s development with healthy economies that grow and end poverty.”
He encourages African countries to learn from Namibia’s approach by cultivating the African spirit of self-reliance through a wise use of resources.

“Let’s take the torch in our own hand and develop our countries,” he said.

The Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mr. Augustin Matata Ponyo, views government as having a crucial role to play in bringing about sustainable development.
“Many African countries are already on track with transforming their economies. The role of governments in Africa is to offer inclusive and sustainable development which is important in addressing climate change and economic growth.”

The Conference of Ministers is an annual event jointly organised by the Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union Commission. The 2016 conference concludes on Tuesday.



NYSC has released a statement debunking false statement making round on the Social Media about a purported reduction in Corps members' allowance by 25%.

In a statement signed by the Management it was stateted that NYSC has no plans to reduce corps members allowance.

"The management wishes to inform Corps members and other members of the public that the statement is false, mischievous and a figment of the writer’s imagination"

Corps members, in particular, are hereby enjoined to disregard the rumour and remain focused as they continue the service to their fatherland

Sunday 3 April 2016

All what you need to know about being classy - wumi

Wumi  diaries is a v blog that educates youths on the right life style and healthy living

If you want to know more about being classy, watch this video,and thank me later.


Saturday 2 April 2016

Ambode Unveils rebirth of lagos weekend television LWT

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode on Friday re-launched the Lagos Weekend Television (LWT) to provide 50 hours non-stop telecast, just as he charged the management of Lagos Television (LTV) to tap into technological advancement in the media industry to better serve the public and attain global standard.

The Governor, while unveiling the new LWT logo at the Combo Hall, LTV grounds, Agidingbi, also charged the operators to ride on the crest of technological development to enhance socio-economic development and empowerment of the people.

The unveiling of the rebirth of LWT revived the golden era of television broadcasting of the 80s.

The Governor, who was represented by the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Mr. Tunji Bello, also urged the management of the media outfit to harness the benefits of the global knowledge and entertainment bank to drive the process.

While reiterating the belief of the present administration that the power of electronic broadcast particularly television should be properly harnessed for the day to day running of state affairs, Governor Ambode urged the management staff of the media house to air programmes that would engage the public and enhance economic development.

"We want to assure Lagosians that our government will not leave anything to chance in the quest to keep you at pace with information as they emanate.

"It is important to reiterate at this point that our government is very convinced about the need to constantly bring residents up to speed about what is new in terms of information communication between us and every stakeholder in the Lagos project.

"We believe that without effective information dissemination machinery like LTV/LWT, our people will be kept in the dark and when that happens, the public tend to misinterpret the lofty ideas of government, no matter how commendable they are", the Governor said.

He paid glowing tribute to the First Executive Governor of the State, Alhaji Lateef Kayode Jakande under whose administration the Lagos Television was conceived and delivered.

Governor Ambode also recalled very vividly as a young boy growing up in Lagos how the theme song of the LWT heralded the commencement of non-stop weekend entertainment for every household in an era when ownership of video playing equipment was not widespread.

Earlier in his welcome address, the State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr. Steve Ayorinde reiterated the determination of the Ambode administration to reposition LTV as the station of first choice, assuring that the present administration would build on the vision of the pioneers of the station.

Ayorinde said:"The administration of Governor Akinwunmi Ambode sees Lagos Television beyond the pedestrian appreciation of a state-owned TV station established to merely educate, inform and entertain.

"Rather, the administration sees the state broadcasting stations as veritable tools for social mobilization, reformation and re-orientation.
“They are thus part of the state apparatus for achieving the all-important desire of running an all-inclusive government that constantly engages the mass of the people so that we can all key into the vision of the government,” Ayorinde said.

The event attracted the first civilian Governor, Alhaji Lateef Jakande, some members of the State Executive Council, notables from the broadcast industry and regulators including the Zonal Director, National Broadcasting Commission, Mrs. Bunmi Cole and the Executive Secretary, Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria, Mr. Segun Olaleye, among others.

Two killed and 40 houses raised in a communal Clash in Delta state

Two persons have been killed and 40 houses burned down in a clash between two communities in Akoko-Edo Local Government Area of Edo State.

The Uneme-Ekpedo village and Bekuma-Okpameri communities clashed on Wednesday March 30th, 2016 after members of the villages quarreled over a mango Tree.

According to Reports, four persons from Uneme-Ekpedo community went to a bush to pluck mangoes, and one of them was killed by youths from Bekuma-Okpameri community, who claimed the mango tree belonged to them.

Angered by the killing of One of their village members, youths from Uneme-Ekpedo village then mobilized and attacked Bekuma-Okpameri village and set houses ablaze.

The home of the traditional ruler of Bekuma-Okpameri, HRH Moses Alabi, was not spared as his whole Palace was also set ablaze by the rampaging youths according to reports

Olumba Olumba Obu to build the third and everlasting temple in Nigeria outside the temple mount in Jerusalem

His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu recently in 34 Ambo street calabar laid the foundation Stone of what the fold called "Olumba's supreme temple".

This temple according the members of the fold is the fulfilment of the end time prophecies.

The building of the third prophetic temple in Jerusalem has been a battle without end for years now.
Judiasm, Christianity and Islam have been claiming right to the temple mount where the first and the second temple where built.

Brotherhood of the cross and star which many believe is the kingdom of God here on earth with so many scripturally backed  history has decleared that the third temple will no longer be built on that temple mount in Jerusalem. They also belive  that Jerusalem has been rejected by God and this is the time for the gentiles as recorded in the scriptures in Mattew 21 vs 43-44 and I quote  “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.

On Saturday 26th of march 2016 His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu laid the foundation Stone of the Olumba supreme temple which he described as an indestructible temple that radiates  perfect spiritual energy threrin; no problem brought into this temple that cannot be solved.

The occasion withness the display of the scriptural 7 candle stands which represents the seven spirits  of God to the amazement of worshipers and the chants of the angels  ,which determined the angelic order of choirs.

The occasion was climaxed with consolidation of faithfuls as solid standing pillars in Olumba Supreme temple.

We spoke to some of the faithfuls and they believe that the comsumation of the Olumba supreme temple which is billed to be commissioned by next year ,will establish the tarbanacle of God here on earth and will be the melting point of all man's predicaments.

Another fast rising Nollywood actor dies

Another Fast-rising Nollywood actor, Ceejay Perez has passed on after he got involved in a Fatal motor accident yesterday.

The terrible accident was said to have occurred in Onitsha, Anambra State, claiming the actor’s life and the lives of four other passengers that were in the car.

It is alleged that the car was going at top speed when it ran into a drainage, leaving the vehicle extremely totalled.

May your soul rest in peace Ceejay Perez,

Things you need to know about fibroid

What Is a Fibroid?

Fibroids are known as non-cancerous growths found in or on the muscular wall of the womb.

These growths vary in sizes. Some fibroids can be as small as a pea, while others can be as large as a 7 or 8 month old foetus.

In other words, some women that have fibroids that size would be believed to be pregnant, when they are not.

Fibroids are given different names depending on where they grow inside a woman.

Types of Fibroids

Fibroids that grow on the inside of the womb is called Submucosal fibroids.
Fibroids that grows on the wall of the womb is called Intramural fibroids.
Fibroids that grows on the outside of the womb is called Subserol fibroids.
Studies have shown that fibroids affect up to 20 percent of women above the age of 30. And women below the age of 20 hardly experience the problem of fibroid.

Fibroids seem to run in some families, but there is no research evidence that is currently available to prove that fibroid is genetic.

What Are The Symptoms?

Fibroids has one major symptom and that happens when a woman has heavy periods.

The heavy periods is caused by the growth of fibroids inside the womb and this disrupts the normal function of the menstrual flow.

Most women who have fibroids, experience no pain at all, whereas, others do. Usually, this pain is a slight pain caused because of the pressure exerted by the fibroid, which causes a dragging sensation in the abdomen.

In most cases, however, fibroids patient may not notice it, if the fibroid growth does not exert any pressure on the neighbouring organs.

And for these people, they can live with the fibroid for many years without problem.

Still in other cases, fibroids have caused infertility in women, and have been responsible for many miscarriages that happen among women. If a woman has fibroid, it may be difficult to maintain the growth of a baby till childbirth happens.

Miscarriages happen in women with fibroids because, these fibroid growth most times are so enlarged in the womb that it distorts the normal space that the baby occupies for growth.

Furthermore, because of this distortion, a fertilized egg will have problem with implantation on the walls or lining of the uterus because a fibroid is there already. When implantation fails to happen, miscarriage may result.

Other possible symptoms of fibroids can happen if the fibroid presses or exerts pressure on organs such as the bladder or bowel. In this situation because these organs are always “under pressure”, the sufferer will now experience frequent urination, constipation or even backache.

Some women may experience lower abdominal swelling, making it look as if they are in their early stage of pregnancy, whereas they’re not.

Causes and Side Effects of Fibroid

What exactly is responsible for the growth of Fibroids in the body?

Currently doctors and scientists DO NOT know the exact causes of Uterine Fibroids. However, researches and clinical experiences point to just two factors that may be responsible.

1. Hereditary Factors

Experiences has shown in many clinical cases that fibroids run in families. Though this study do not have any research or scientific proof to back it up.

2. The Estrogen And Progesterone Hormones

There are two hormones that is responsible in stimulating the development of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy.

These two hormones are called Estrogen and Progesterone. It appears these two hormones promote the growth of Fibroid in women when the presence of these hormones are more than normal in the body.

In other words there is an Estrogen Dominance in the body of victims because fibroids contain more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscles do.

Effects of Estrogen Dominance In The Body

When there is too much Estrogen in the body, beside the cause of Fibroids, it brings along with it the following health problems.

The formation of small cysts (tumor) inside the breasts
Risk of Cancer growth in the breast and other areas of the body
Hair loss
Weight gain
Hormonal Imbalance

Avail your self the opportunity of regular check ups to avoid carrying fibroid for a long time.

Ogun to Pay Salaries with BVN

The Ogun State government has said that effective from the end of April 2016, salaries of public and civil servants in the state will be paid based on the Bank Verification Number, BVN system.

This was one of the resolutions reached in a follow-up meeting between the leadership of the organised labour movement in Ogun State and officials of the state government led by the Deputy Governor, Chief Mrs Yetunde Onanuga on Friday.

Addressing newsmen after the meeting, Barrister Taiwo Adeoluwa, Secretary to the State Government, SSG, said, “Ogun State is unique as we have continued to engage and dialogue with the organised labour.

“As part of our continuous discussions, we have both agreed that we should take advantage of the BVN system to ensure that our scarce resources are not going to ghost workers. 

He added that, “In view of this, we have agreed that starting from the end of April 2016, salaries will be paid using the BVN of all workers.”

While responding on behalf of the organised labour movement, Comrades Olubunmi Fajobi, State Chairman, Trade Union Congress, TUC and Abiodun Olakanmi, of the Joint Negotiating Council, JNC said they were satisfied with the state government’s position on the need to use BVN for salary payment.

They however requested that the decision be officially communicated to the civil service through the office of the State Head of Service.

On her part, Chief Mrs. Onanuga expressed delight with the fact that in living up to its billing as a uniquely peaceful state, the leadership of the organised labour movement in Ogun State and state government officials have continued to dialogue with a view to finding a lasting and more sustainable resolution of the demands of the workers.

The deputy governor further explained that Friday’s meeting was one of a series of engagement between the labour movement and the state government.

“As stakeholders, we are committed to jointly finding a lasting and sustainable solution to the issues raised by the labour movement,” Chief Mrs. Onanuga said.