Wednesday 20 August 2014


Gods kingdom is a gift which God has giving to humanity to explore and feel the love which God has for mankind,it is that place Christ went to prepared for us. It is that fulfillment when you hear the Word and put same into practice.
There are 3 steps to inheriting the kingdom of God
1) Giving : the spirit of God is speaking and all spirit must listing. Giving is an act that express and acknowledges that fact that we a sons of God. Its an act that shows that we acknowledges that all we have are not ours;that we are just custodians of the inheritance of God. When we give,it sends messages to the fact that we are not been possessed with our possessions rather we possess our possession. we should aways superintend and direct what ever God has keepth in our possession. Remember the man that ran up to Jesus Christ and asked Good master what he shall do to inherit Eternal Life.Christ answered that he should observe the commandments and he said he has observed all the commandments,but christ been all knowing knew he was lacking one thing told him to go and sell all his possessions and GIVE to the poor and take up his cross and follow him. The man was sad and left because he had great possessions (Mark 10:17-23). This man was not able to have internal life because he dint have the spirit of GIVING,he did not understand that what ever we have today must have to been giving up to have internal life. Christ explains further in verse 24 by saying 'how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God. God doesn't expect us to sell everything we have and feed the poor but wants us to have an understanding that we are custodians not owners of any possession and that when ever he who is the owner wants it, we should be ready to GIVE it out with thankfulness of heart; without GIVEN there is no inheritance of the kingdom.

2) CARRY THE CROSS : According to the words of the holy spirit Carry the Cross means bearing another man’s burden without complaining, tolerating all kinds of sinners, the murderers, the thieves, the backbiters etc. If you stand firm with Christ without fighting back your accusers whenever you are accused falsely or being spat upon or jeered at, disgraced and insulted without a just cause. If you are informed that someone had planned to shoot you and you fail to run away when he aims at you to shoot, then you are carrying the Cross.

To carry the Cross does not cost anything. To be able to carry the Cross you must resign yourself completely to God. You must be loving, humble; you must esteem another person higher than yourself; you must not be envious. if you can stay with a notorious liar very happily without stirring up his anger when he tells you a lie and when one persecutes you falsely and seeks to destroy your life by all means yet you tolerate him wholeheartedly, you are carrying the real Cross. This is a direct revelation of what christ ment in mark 10 vs 21,luke 14 v 27. In accordance with what paul said to the people of corinthaians in his first epistle to corinthains chapter 1 vs 18 which said ' For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. The cross is a prerequisite for any who seeks to INHERITE THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

Love is the ultimate ,it is the consummation of all attributes. Love is the beginning and the end. Love is a spirit that never fails when we have love for our self and one another it is a license to inherit the kingdom. Love is the crown of internal life,love is submission to the will of God and finally love is Christ. You must have christ in you which is the holy spirit to be able to inherit eternal life. As recorded in 1st cort 13 vs 8 which says that Love never fails,which we know when we have Christ he never fails.

In all we must possess the 3 gift of the Holy spirit to be able to inherit the kingdom, without which we are far from the kingdom of God. Now are you ready to inherit the kingdom?

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